
Hermann Jolink hat uns mit einem Hoskovice Report versorgt, leider fehlt die Zeit zum übersetzen. Deswegen in Englisch.

"8-9 may 1st Drag Race for the Euro Serie Super Twin Top Gas over the ¼ Mile (402 meter) at Hoskovice Czech Republic about 50 km North East of Praha. Nice weather with tempratures around 20 degree celcius and sunshine with a little cloud covers some times...

Saturday there where four Qualification runs in Top Gas:

1st Herman Jolink NL 8.481-251 kmh  3 times a 8.5 second run and the best 8.481 

2nd Harry v Schie NL on the 1966 Blower V-Twin with 8.519-239 kmh he was 3 times in the other lane that is not so good.

3rd Frank Heitmann D 8.543-242 on 2622 V-Twin with clutch problems.

4th Marc van den Boer B 8.831-238

5th Bernd Niessen D 10.094-192 on 2240 V-Twin the first time with a Vortex mechanical Turbo

6th Peter Niklas D 17.770  on 1000 SP Turbo Honda last year a 9.0 now the team find not the good set up. 

Sunday morning at 9.30 whe did the 5th Qualifying run but nobody improved because the concrete was to cold, to get better traction. it needed some sunshine to warm it up


Herman Jolink

Sunday the Czech people are very friendly and the riders and the public gave us a very good Support. At 13.00 the Drag Race starting but Ondrey Clymciw CZ exploded  his SSB Turbo Susuki after the finish. An oildown of 600 meters took  about 1 ½ hour to clean up, but that was good for the traction because the sun was warming up the track.
Top Gas ¼ Final  Jolink 8.384 sec with 253 kmh winning over Niklas  D whos engine died after the start. ½ Finale Jolink 8.376 sec with 253 kmh bye run  again new best time 8.376 sec also a personal best on the 201 m 5.284 with 215 kmh ( before 8.479 sec and 5.313-214 kmh) van Schie  9.043-177 bye run Niessen engine problems, v d Boer 8.765-238 winning over Heitmann 10.396-233 who had clutch problems.
Top Gas Results:

1. Herman Jolink NL 8.415-248 on Ducati 1198 RS (1266)

2. Marc van den Boer B 9.091-214 on 2600 V-Twin

RT Jolink 0.124 sec and v d Boer 0.230 sec
Jolink having lane choice but the rider before exploded his engine 3 meters before the start so Jolink decided to go in the right lane. the traction was not so good as in the right lane so Jolink had to do a lot of body leaning.
Euro Serie Super Twin Top Gas Championship Pints:

1. Herman Jolink NL 505 points

2. Marc v d Boer B 350

3. Harry van Schie NL 270

4. Frank Heitmann D 260

5. Bernd Niessen D 140

6. Peter Niklas D 130

Next Top Gas Drag Races:

18-20 june Top Gas Drachten NL    
9-11 july Top Gas Drachten NL
16-18 july Czech Republic  Bechyne CZ  (not for Top Gas Championship)
30 july 1 aug Top Gas Mantorp Park S
13-15 aug NitrOlympics Top Gas Hockenheim  D
20-22 aug Top Gas Drachten NL    
28 aug Dragday Finals Hoskovice CZ (not for Top Gas Championship)
3-5 sep Mosten Racedays Sprint 1/8 Mile (201 m)  Top Gas Finals Mosten DK

Copyright Herman Jolink

Photo c by Josef Cancik
